When Superstar Rajinikanth appreciated Shankar’s assistant director on ‘2.o’

Murali Manohar, assistant director to Shankar in the magnum-opus 2.o, has received praise for his short film Karna Motcham from none other than Superstar Rajinikanth. Murali took to his Facebook page to share the interaction with Rajinikanth during the film’s dubbing session.
“Murali, when are you planning to direct your first film,’ the unexpected question came from Superstar. I told him, ‘very soon,’ without knowing what to reply at that moment.
‘Are you scripting now?’ another question followed, and I answered, ‘Yes sir,’ without any realization.
He thought for a few seconds and got back with a reply. ‘Don’t rush and be fast. Your short film, Karna Motcham spoke for you and showed your potential. That film’s impact is still left over with me. Do the film soon.’
I didn’t know, whether to do my first film very soon or patiently work on the script and do it, as Superstar said. But, I was able to see a true affection in those words that came from him. It was so heartwarming to me. Thank you, Rajini sir. Loads and loads of thanks to my guru and well-wisher Shankar sir.”