Vijay lauds Vishal for taking on piracy

Vishal has been the torchbearer in combating piracy over the past few months. During the shooting of Poojai, he raided few local shops and immediately took legal measures. Now, while shooting for Sundar C’s Aambala, he again confronted shops selling pirated DVDs and handed over the owners to police. Ilayathapathy Vijay has praised Vishal for his efforts to single-handedly raise voice against the menace that plagues the industry.
“Proud of you Vishal. You have proved that actions speak more louder than words. Let’s stop video piracy,” says Vijay. And Vishal quickly replied saying “Dear vijay.. Thank you so much for your support .. It will make a huge difference. Let’s stop piracy.” Vishal and Vijay share great rapport off screen and the duo were spotted together during the back to back premiere shows of Kaththi and Poojai on the eve of Diwali.
Meanwhile, the entire Tamil film industry is coming together on November 16th to initiate discussions to take steps to combat piracy. The meeting is scheduled at 1 pm and who’s who of the industry are likely to participate. All shootings have been cancelled to faciliatate the meeting.