Suriya, through the eyes of his die-hard fans

Suriya turns 41 today, the 23rd of July. After a low-key start, Suriya’s career took wings with Nandha. It has been quite a great run for him ever since with many memorable hits, some unexpected disappointments and a large mass of fans. In all his films, his dedication and efforts are there for all of us to see. As we all know, a star is nothing without his fans and audiences. As a tribute to the very fans who make a star, Kaushik LM talked to three of Suriya’s ardent fans on what makes him this special to them. Each of them was presented with 4 questions and their answers are here below.
Gaya Vedhan (@suriya_fan)
1. What does Suriya mean to you?
He is my Thalaivar in all senses, I would say. He is my inspiration/reference for the situations that we would come across in our daily lives. A perfect role model for anyone who wishes to live with honor & respect to both their families & to the public.
2. Since when you are his fan?
Became a die-hard, hardcore fan of Anna from the instant when I came out of the theater watching Varanam Aayiram.3. Your favorite Suriya film ?
Most favorite would be Varanam Aayiram. Apart from that, I love all his films. Each work of his proves to be unique. He has that determination & burning hunger to prove himself each & every time, even after seeing peaks in terms of box-office, fan base, film business, critical appreciation & accolades.
4. Your future expectations from him ?
Wish he continues to do more ambitious films for the amazing acting skills that he has & I also want him to continue mixing up films with massy, stylish roles. He has great potential to shine among Bollywood fans considering his existing reach. So, wish he releases all his upcoming films as tri-linguals to expand his market levels further more.
Vishnu – Admin @SuriyaFansTeam
1. What does Suriya mean to you ?
Suriya – sunrise for Kollywood, a combination of Rajini & Kamal and a gifted actor in Indian cinema.
2. Since when you are his fan?
Varanam Aayiram
3. Your favorite Suriya film?
7am Arivu
4. Your future expectations from him?
Hope Suriya does Bollywood films, and his upcoming films should be bilinguals.
Lakshmanan R – (@lakshman273)
1. What does Suriya mean to you ?
Thalaivan; THE BEST.
2. Since when you are his fan?
Officially from 2008 (Varanam Aayiram).
3. Your favorite Suriya film?
Every single film. But specifically, Varanam Aayiram / Ayan / Singam 2 / 24.
4. Your future expectations from him?
To continue to choose scripts wisely & do 2 films a year.
Here’s wishing Suriya a very happy birthday and a prosperous year ahead.
Story by Kaushik LM