In a recent interaction, director Pandiraj has said that Sivakarthikeyan’s performance in Namma Veettu Pillai left him in tears. “There is a particular scene where Siva speaks a lengthy dialogue to his Periappa. It left me in tears. During the dubbing, he took it to another level,” said Pandiraj.
Namma Veetu Pillai has been confirmed to hit screens on September 27th. The film has been certified a clean U by the censor board. Udhayanidhi Stalin’s Red Giant Movies has grabbed the Tamil Nadu theatrical rights to the film produced by Sun Pictures.
Also starring Anu Emmanuel, Aishwarya Rajesh, Bharathiraja, Samuthirakani and Soori in important roles, Namma Veetu Pillai features Aishwarya Rajesh and Sivakarthikeyan as brother-sister in the film.