Billed as a suspense thriller, Mahabalipuram directed by Don Sandy deals about the events that happen in the lives of five youngsters. The story of the film has been inspired by various articles published in newspapers on one of the most popular tourist spots in Tamil Nadu. The film features Vinayak, Angana Roy, Vithika Sheru, Ramesh, Karthik, Vetri and Karna in important roles. Vinayak is a longstanding friend of Sibiraj and is close to Sathyaraj too.
As requested by Vinayak, Sathyraj has provided the voice-over for a crucial part of the film. Meanwhile, Sathyaraj has wrapped up shooting for his SJ Surya directorial Isai in which he plays a pivotal role of a music director. “My role in Isai is really close to my heart. I also have another film under discussion where I will share screen space with Mohanlal. I cannot reveal more details on it now,” reveals Sathyaraj.