Sarathkumar and Radharavi permanently expelled from Nadigar Sangam

Nadigar Sangam has expelled its former office bearers – president Sarathkumar and general secretary Radharavi – permanently from the organization. The announcement came on Sunday after an unanimous decision was made at the 63rd Annual General Body meeting was held on the premises of South Indian Film Artistes Association (SIFAA), following the refusal of police protection to hold the meeting in Loyola College campus.
Radhika Sarathkumar, a life member of Nadigar Sangam, raised several questions and rebuked Karthi and Vishal on Twitter for the suspension. “How can u suspend? Undertaking given that no discussion of either parties, courting contempt of court? Which Commissioner have permission for change of venue on a Saturday, I want to see the paper on permission given. Why no agenda was given. Why was I a life member not informed? How did you get nod in AGM without quorum and how?”, [sic] tweeted Raadika.
“@Karthi_Offl you claim no accounts was given, aft election @realsarathkumar gave Nazar all books at a hotel which was videotaped. So what do u think was given Love letters to you!!!! Did you ever ask for any clarification if so prove it,” she added [SIC].
Meanwhile, there were scattered reports of violence since several members without proper identity cards were not allowed to attend the meeting. Vishal’s office, his personnel and Karunas’ car were attacked by miscreants to express their disapproval towards the expulsion of Radharavi and Sarathkumar.