Now is the time for straight talk and honest action: Kamal Haasan on Paris attacks

When the multiple co-ordinated terrorist attacks shattered Paris on the 13th of November, it left the entire world in mourning. Celebrities took to their official social media pages and expressed solidarity with the people of France. Kamal Haasan, who has been a long-standing advocate of Ahimsa, penned a short note to share his thoughts on the tragic attack.
Its an abhorable pattern established by early crossborder terrorists like Illech Ramirez Sanchez alias Jackal. No amount of policing will deter this excess. At the peril of sounding naive and cliched I take this opportunity to evoke the Ahimsa spirit practiced and propounded by Gandhiji. Especially to the European foreign policy makers I beseech, any populist martial reaction will only further the cause of those who have lost the sense of the world as a community. The west must take responsible steps from now on with great introspection as the world is watching. Now is the time for straight talk and honest action. Definitely not the time for dubious double speakers. The world is ours and we must sieze it from the archaic and bloody hands of politicians who still seek solutions through war. It is so old fashioned to settle disputes by war anymore. The pinnacle of valour is Ahimsa. Lets see if the west has come of age.