VDS - From March 27th

Naan director speaks on his next

Arya’s choice of films has been always a point that was discussed in appreciation. He has proved it beyond point as an actor, and the hand some hero is all set to repeat the mode as a producer. His production company ‘The show people’ ventured into production recently has completed the shooting schedule of ‘Amara kaaviyam’ starring his brother Sathya and debutante Mia George. The director of the ‘Amara kaaviyam’ is Jeeva Sankar of ‘Naan’ fame.

‘Romantic themes has been always the strong base for films ever since the advent of  the visual media. The theme of love is like a yarn and it hugely depends on the weaver who weaves the thread into the most appreciable material .The director’s role is similar to this,weaving the script with finer touch. Each weaver will have a style and directors too have an individual pattern. This individuality will be differentiate one film to another. My earlier film ‘Naan’ was appreciated by the trade and the audience alike for the intriguing screen play. I have gone still ahead to derive the best from myself for the screen play of ‘Amara Kaaviyam’. I generally plan the location, it’s geographical positions before i could put the ink on the paper. As far as i am concerned the location is as important as the Hero and Heroine. My experience as a cameraman comes handy to choose the best. I had shot in the locales where others had not shot until now. Unlike science and divinity, love is some thing we lived with, experienced with and some thing which is deep into every single soul. Amara Kaaviyam will reflect the love of every single soul, the young director explains himself in a confident tone.