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Madras Talkies clarifies on “blocking legitimate links” of OKK

The inadvertent mistake of blocking legitimate URLs about Ok Kanmani as a protective measure to prevent the film being copied and shared illegally on the internet raised a great hue and cry on social media platforms since morning. Apparently, Madras Talkies has submitted over 5000 links to Google for de-listing and some legitimate links too have been blocked in the process.

The team promptly took on to their official Facebook Page to clarify the issue with the following statement.

We, at Madras Talkies, like any responsible production house, wanted to protect our film, ‪#‎OKKanmani‬ from being illegally copied and shared on the Internet. Since this requires certain expertise, the job was outsourced to professionals. But in the pursuit of internet pirates, it has come to our notice that some legitimate links have also been submitted to Google for de-listing.

We regret the lapse and apologise for any and all inconvenience caused. We are working actively to retract these notices on the legitimate links. Madras Talkies did not intend to block any of the legit links, and will never do so.

Since over 5000 links were submitted on our behalf, we would request your help as well in filtering out the legitimate links. If you find any, please send them to us.

And as we continue to tackle piracy, please also send us any illegal download/streaming links you find. Help us keep it clean. And piracy free

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