In a recent interview, director Gautham Menon has opened up on the status of his upcoming action thriller Dhruva Natchathiram, which is hitting the screens on the 24th of November. “I have acted in so many films and Dhruva Natchathiram is the only reason, I wanted to complete this film and release it for the audiences. I put my remuneration into the film I am making. It is for the passion of the art form.”
Speaking about Chiyaan Vikram’s reaction to Dhruva Natchathiram, Gautham Menon said “Chiyaan Vikram has watched Dhruva Natchathiram and liked the movie. The film will have an open ended climax, and I plan to convert it into a universe if audience like the movie”. There are few more songs in the film, which will be released over the coming days.