Entries invited for Tamil Feature Film Competition in Chennai International Film Festival

Entries are invited from Tamil Film Producers for the Tamil Feature Film Competition of 15th Chennai International Film Festival (14th –21stDecember 2017). Films that are censored between 16th October 2016 and 15th October 2017(both the dates are inclusive) are eligible for the selection process for the competition.
- The entry forms are available at the website icaf.in and also with Indo Cine Appreciation Foundation Office, No.4, 2nd Floor, E-Block, Gemini Parsn Apartments, Cathedral Garden Road, Chennai – 600 006. Telefax: +91 44 2821 2652 or Email: thangaraj_icaf@hotmail.com / iindocine.ciff@gmail.com
- The last date for receipt of the Entry form is 10th November 2017.
- The form should be submitted along with two copies of English subtitled DVD of the film entered.