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“Dhanush Sir was the driving force behind live compositions in Power Paandi”

Speaking at the press meet of Power Paandi yesterday, composer Sean Roldan said Dhanush was the driving force behind live music compositions in the movie. “First of all,  I should thank director Raju Murugan. We worked hard for Joker; the next day after the film’s release I woke up to Dhanush Sir’s tweets about the movie and music. It now resulted in this association. I must thank him for this opportunity to work with him, almost every day we were working. His unmatchable energy always left me in awe, and I learned a lot from him which he always denies. But the truth is he is a great person, adept at almost everything and free from vanity,” he said.

Just a day-long work with him, he will make you forget how big a star he is. I used to watch his performances like Pudhupettai on YouTube after every day’s work just to get reminded about the great artist I’m working with,” added Sean Roldan. 

Dhanush said, “Power Paandi is a film about positivity. So many things happen in our lives, good and bad. It’s up to us to leave out the bad things and take the right things in positive stride. I hope you also feel the positive vibes after watching the movie. Sean Roldan’s background score is the soul of the film.”



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