Game Changer - From Jan 10th

Multiplex Association of India appeals to mall owners to waive off theater rent

In wake of the shutdown of operations of movie theatres due to the 21-day lock-down caused by coronavirus crisis, Multiplex Association of India has appealed to mall owners to waive off the rental and maintenance charges for theatres to battle the pandemic.

President Deepak Asher wrote: “As compared to some other businesses, which have seen a revenue drop, multiplex revenues have overnight become zero. This has put us in a very grim situation as we struggle to meet our commitments to pay our staff salaries on time and meet our fixed overheads. While the lockdown may continue for the next month or two, the cinema industry will take several months (‘recuperating period’) even after the lockdown is lifted, to get back to its feet, as the pipeline of content begins to flow again, and our patrons gain the confidence to step out of their homes and start visiting crowded places like cinemas. We will be unable to survive as an industry through this period of lockdown and recuperating, without your support. We seek your support in granting us complete waiver from payment of rent & CAM (common area maintenance) dues during the lockdown and recuperating period, to help us tide over this unprecedented situation which is completely beyond our control.”

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