VDS - From March 27th

Irudhi Suttru Songs Review

Review Overview

Vaa Machaney
Ei Sandakara
Maya Visai
Usuru Narumbula
Poda Poda

Simplistic, yet scintillating.

After a low-key 2015, Santosh Narayanan has gone all guns blazing with his first album of the year. The best thing about Irudhi Suttru is how the album hints you about the film all over, without dropping any big notes. The orchestration is mostly minimal, but the lasting effect is created with ease. Although the soundtrack does impress on the whole, Santhosh must be lauded for using Dhee in the right way in Ei Sandakara and Usuru Narumbula, for she in turn comes out with flying colours. Irudhi Suttru is an album you will want to have on your CD rack.

Cast: Madhavan, Ritika Singh, Mumtaz Sorcar 

Music: Santhosh Narayanan

Lyrics: Muthamil & Vivek

Direction: Sudha Kongara

Label: T Series

Vaa Machaney: Singer – Sean Roldan

Fun and frolic begins the album in typical ‘masti’ mode with an enthusiastic Sean Roldan on the mic. Describing a bubbly girl and her activities, this song is instantly foot-tapping though it inherits one of Santosh Narayanan’s familiar templates. Our PICK!

Ei Sandakara: Singer – Dhee

With a two-toned instrumentation which takes an astonishingly enjoyable path, EiSandakara has Dhee’s lazy elegance in complete control, adjusting herself to the groovy music. This one makes you go wow, our second PICK!

Maya Visai: Singers – Vijay Narain, Sri Shyamalangan, Santhosh Narayanan

Vibrations galore in this rock base from Santosh Narayanan, where he has two talented newbies for companies. One powerful punch in the air here, this makes the right noises.

Usuru Narumbula Nee: Singer – Dhee

The ambience that Dhee and Santosh Narayanan manage to pull off here is magical. The soporific feel is brought in, adding some lovely sounds which blend beautifully. Kudos to Dhee for keeping her head still through two excellent songs in the album. Another PICK!

Poda Poda: Singer – Pradeep

Pretty mainstream track which doesn’t really keep up to what the soundtrack has offered so far. Nevertheless, Pradeep’s happy-go-lucky vocals make it a decent listen.

Irudhi Suttru Songs Review Rating: 3.5/5

Click here to listen Irudhi Suttru Songs

Written By: Siddarth Srinivas